Sunday, January 14, 2007

got to church late as usual
had the wine and bread thing
and i didnt spill the drink
or crush the bread!
hurray to me!

bs was good
cause i did my homework
when we had sharing with jessy
she talked about BGR
and i shared about
my life in school
where im alyas vulgar
and i dont do my homework
and i talk back to my teachers
and i break school rules

today's bible study made me understand
that i need to change
i need to allow god in my life more often
and i need to change my life too
when jessy was sharing it
really helped me to plan for my future
about what im going to be
in the line of BGR
and that i should not
fall under peer pressure

i must persevere
and not fall to peer pressure
where in my school
i have lost a few friends
because im a christian
so i must not follow my other friends
and block god out from my life
but i must show them that god IS present in my life
so i must act in the right way

so whoever reads this
please pray for me!

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