Thursday, November 05, 2009

Written on: 3 November 2009

Seeing your classmates outrightly shun you, purposely changing seats to avoid sitting with you - PRICELESS

I may not look like I care about the way people look at me,but it really hurts. You don't know me, but you judge me. I feel like a caged animal put in the spotlightfor people to criticise and humiliate. I'm human too, I have feelings. The feeling of sitting alone in class is too painful to describe. Its like I don't have friends that I can call my own. All I want to know is what have I done to deserve this. Am I too anti-social, not pretty enough, or just too weird for some people. It hurts so bad, but I don't think you guys even bother to care about my feelings. Because I'm only the anti-social girl, sitting alone at the back of the class. Hope you're happy, idiots.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

I believe in faries, pixies, stardust and all this magical. I believe that when you put your tooth under the pillow, the toothfairy will exchange it for a golden coin. I believe that in the middle of every flower, is a fairy baby waking up every morning. I believe in cute, old garden gnomes. I believe in fairy rings. I believe in the magic of stardust, that it can make all wishes come true.

But most importantly, I believe in the unconditional love that God has showed me, and the love between his people.